Program accordion course list in Chinese pages





Test URL(s):



Implemented: Convert the English page accordion table content to its corresponding Chinese pages

The shortcode developed is implemented in English pages. But when Chinese language parameter is specified, its content is not displayed in Chinese pages.

Set the external Table header font size: H3

When no courses retrieved:

If there is no related courses available, display in the table area just one statement:
No related courses available.

And set up in WPML String translation to display on Chinese page:

All sibling pages of this page, inside the yellow rectangular box

And all pages inside the yellow rectangular box

To fix:

Fixed: Missing Table Header on Chinese pages


In this Course content block, its shortcode is as follows:

[wpos_table_display degree=”master” program=”mtcm” department=”Herbology” req=”required” disp_lang=”zh” show_header=”true” disp_c=”Course Title,Code,Units,Hours,description,prerequisite” class=”wpos-tcm-theory-clinical-medicine-wrap”]

If the parameter req is 
req=”required” or “Required”
display “Required Courses” in what currently the Department Chair’s spot.

If the parameter req is 
req=”elective” or “Elective”
display “Electives” in what currently the Department Chair’s spot.

And set up in WPML String translation:
Required Courses <-> 必修課程
Electives <-> 選修課程

Set its font size to H3


The external Table Header 必修課程 (Required Courses) is set at H3.

The internal Table Header 課程名稱 (Course Title), on the other hand, is set at H2.

Theoretically H2 should be bigger than H3.

And here we have
H3 set at 32px, and H2 at 25px?

Change the H2 to H4, keep the 25px font size

Fixed: Not all shortcodes are fixed.
Check all related shortcodes for all Programs related pages, make sure their font sizes are coded correctly.

Fixed: Display the specified message inside the 1st row

To test the implementation result, set this record to non-Required (Not Apply, for example) from the Intranet app backend.

Course List -> Research Methodology 
There is only one record. Set the “Required” field to  either “Not Apply” or “Elective”. You will retrieve no record on this page:

That will show if the implementation is correct.

After the implementation is verified, set the “Required” field back to “Required”.

Both English and Chinese Program pages are implemented with this “No related courses available” message.

Fixed: Display on Chinese pages Chinese content, not English
See the screenshot below

Test page: Research Methodology (DAOM)

Fixed: Modify the Program accordion shortcode to move the table external header to the left, aligned with the left border of the  table, as specified on the Preview page.

Test page: Research Methodology (DAOM)

Specs on the Preview Page


Fixed: The Table external header should be H3, not H2.

Test page: TCM Theory & Clinical Medicine

23 thoughts on “Program accordion course list in Chinese pages”

    • It’s EXTERNAL header, not header inside the table.
      The task states: “Set the external Table header font size: H3”

      Set the font size for “Required Course” or “Electives” to H3

    • The font sizes are not set across the board.
      Check every related shortcodes, make sure all of them are updated correctly.

      The “When no courses retrieved” display is not implemented correctly.
      Display the specified string in the table row.

  1. Display on Chinese pages Chinese content, not English

    As stated in the task content above:
    Set up in WPML String translation to display on Chinese page:

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