Closed Task List

  1. Resolve IntraApps Faculty & Practitioner tables Update issue (6/25/2024)
  2. EVA – Remove extra tables from database (6/25/2024)
  3. Resolve errors behind the scene on the Homepage (6/25/2024)
  4. Resolve the duplicate banners show up on main site homepage (6/25/2024)
  5. Resolve passing uploaded attachments to Google Drive issue (6/25/2024)
  6. Alumni: Set up SMTP to improve email deliverability (6/24/2024)
  7. Cancel the server on Plesk env (6/11/2024)
  8. Resolve SearchBox width on header (6/10/2024)
  9. cPanel – Activate website statistics software (6/10/2024)
  10. Upload files (pictures or short videos) from Gravity Form to Google Drive (6/6/2024)
  11. Fix homepage mobile screen display issue (5/31/2024)
  12. Alumni: Resolve the Alumni Network’s Job Posting Page Editing Issue (5/28/2024)
  13. Resolve inaccessibility of main site in Santa Cruz campus (5/28/2024)
  14. Resolve double banners on “Future Students” page (5/28/2024)
  15. Alumni: Homepage New Design (5/14/2024)
  16. Alumni: Save the new submitted form entry to unread instead of spam (5/14/2024)
  17. Remove the extra “Array” word from the Homepage (5/8/2024)
  18. Security: Schedule malware scan for once a week (5/5/2024)
  19. Limit homepage editing only to specific users (5/5/2024)
  20. WHM: Set security alert notifications (4/8/2024)
  21. dev: Resolve the website down issue (4/8/2024)
  22. Update plugins and theme (4/4/2024)
  23. Resolve main website down issue (4/4/2024)
  24. Fix IntraApps access issue (3/12/2024)
  25. Migrate websites from Plesk to cPanel&WHM (3/12/2024)
  26. Verify the migrated websites in cPanel environment (3/7/2024)
  27. Remove not used websites (3/7/2024)
  28. Tracking: Restoring the Tracking website (3/7/2024)
  29. Migrate Tracking website from Plesk to cPanel&WHM (3/7/2024)
  30. Alumni: Soft 404 – Pages being not indexed (12/11/2023)
  31. Alumni: Alumni News source category (12/11/2023)
  32. Alumni: Create a Category Template to display all posts under it (12/6/2023)
  33. Syncing the Dev site codes and content from the Live site (11/30/2023)
  34. Alumni: Create a widget for CEU related pages as a sidebar (11/28/2023)
  35. Alumni – CEU – Add Sidebar to its related pages/posts (11/28/2023)
  36. Alumni: Add Sidebar to Blog Posts (11/28/2023)
  37. Alumni: Increase Homepage sidebar font size (11/28/2023)
  38. Clinic Faculty: Develop editing UI for the Title field of Clinic Faculty table (11/17/2023)
  39. Clinic Faculty: Add “level” data field to and display accordingly from this table (11/17/2023)
  40. Alumni: Directory add/modify interface (11/17/2023)
  41. Alumni: Add Listing – Resolve the inconsistent frontend / backend UIs (11/17/2023)
  42. IntraApps: Fix clinic faculty update issue that wipe out new data fields (11/17/2023)
  43. To fix: Clinic Faculty – display only English part of short Bio on the English page and vice versa (11/17/2023)
  44. Alumni – Homepage display & sorting settings (11/14/2023)
  45. Clinic Faculty: Add “language” field to the table (11/14/2023)
  46. Display frontend Health Center pages with photos from Clinic Faculty table (11/14/2023)
  47. Fix: Community Events Calendar Page Error (11/14/2023)
  48. Clinic Faculty Expanded Window Link Change (11/14/2023)
  49. Fix: Faculty & Clinic Faculty display sorting order on last name + first name (11/9/2023)
  50. Clinic Faculty: Add “photo” field to the table and set up UI for it (11/9/2023)
  51. Alumni: Design CEU Opportunities Presentation Pages (11/7/2023)
  52. Alumni: Set up Log In/Out options (11/7/2023)
  53. To fix: Clinic Faculty: A new Clinic faculty’s Profile Pic is from another Faculty (11/7/2023)
  54. IntraApp: Clinic Faculty – fix Active setting feature (11/7/2023)
  55. Clinic Faculty: Change display criteria (11/7/2023)
  56. Clinic Faculty: Access names directly from its table instead of from faculty table (11/7/2023)
  57. Roll back to the original design of the Featured Posts on the Homepage (10/27/2023)
  58. Alumni: CEU Opportunities Feature (10/24/2023)
  59. Alumni: Apply Material Design Style to Job Posting form (10/24/2023)
  60. Alumni: Read both hidden & regular fields for Employer Job Posting (10/24/2023)