Event Calendar: Install & Setup

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: the misplaced Check boxes in Tablet / Mobile screen modes Test page: The Role of TCM & Acupuncture in U.S. Healthcare Event Calendar on the New site – Monthly View Install the following The Events Calendar plugin  https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/ The Events Calendar GForms Registrationhttps://www.gravityforms.com/community/the-events-calendar-gforms-registration/ Duplicate on the new site with the 2 … Read more

404 Page not updated

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Center Logo in the Nav bar on the Tablet screen mode Fixed: Check the whole 404 Page settings, make sure it’s synced with the standard Header and Footer. Standard 404 Error page design Error Message New page: No such page – Old page: No such page Reference page: No such page Tech Spec Fixed: Header / … Read more

Media Library Migration

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Goal: Migrate all Media Library files from production to dev website so that the existing media files in the production website will be available for FBU editors to use in the new website. As of 7/21/2021, there are 1,111 files in the production website. 

Homepage: V2-0713

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Tech specs: Homepage V2-0713: New Logo and Images Demo Homepage – Actual Homepage Fixed: No wrapping on the Top line on the mobile screen mode Fixed: Remove the overlapping issue Fixed: Spacing around the logo Updated: Use the following latest images for the 3 blocks Fixed: Set proper image size for better … Read more

Footer: V2-0713

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Tech specs: Footer V2-0713: CSS settings Demo page: https://tracking.fivebranches.edu/draft/homepage.html Test Page: Homepage Fixed: Make the copyright section on a line, no wrapping, across the whole section, and flush to the left Fixed: Make the School info block centered

Header: V2-0713

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Tech specs: Header V2-0713: CSS settings Demo page: https://tracking.fivebranches.edu/draft/homepage.html Test Page: Homepage Fixed: Top section should be only one line, no wrapping. Fixed: Two Search icons? Fixed: Expanding Menu spacing issues

CPT: Inner menu misaligned

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: The left side of the Inner Menu block should be aligned with Header logo Page Title, and Sidemenu Center the menu items and title when the Inner Menu becomes sticky on the top Test page: DTCM/MTCM PROGRAM Test page: https://www.fivebranches.edu/dtcm-mtcm/admissions-masters/ Fixed: Center the menu items and title

Sidemenu: Remove the gap

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Sidemenu on some pages are with gap  Actual page: DTCM/MTCM Program Home Fixed: Sidemenu on some pages are without gap but the Yellow bar position is off – above the bottom of Page Banner Actual page: Catalog