Alumni: Homepage New Design

Replace current Alumni News with two sections: TCM Spotlights: Display the latest 6 posts (3 columns x 2 rows) from “TCM Spotlights” Category. Display the first row with the post’s Feature image. Not to display Featured image on the 2nd row. Create a shortcode for this section. More button link: TCM Spotlights page Responsive … Read more

Alumni – CEU – Add Sidebar to its related pages/posts

Add the Sidebar to Single pages of CEU courses. The Sidebar content the latest (from today to the future) 15 courses, with titles and links Add a border line to separate Main Content and Sidebar. Duplicate the kind of border used in Alumni News single post. Add Sidebar to Single page Sidebar Page Layout Refer to the … Read more

Clinic Faculty: Add “level” data field to and display accordingly from this table

Add “level” data field to Clinic Faculty table so that that data will be available to display on the Helath Center pages without referring to the Faculty table. The SQL statements of the Helath Center pages should not involve Faculty table. Practitioners WITHOUT “Professor / Instructor / …” Practitioners WITH “Professor / Instructor / …”