404 Page missing

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Display the specified message even if it’s a Server level 404 Standard 404 Error page design (done) Error Message – True page New page: No such page – Old page: No such page Reference page: No such page To fix: 404 Message Not this design Fixed: For any 404 cases, display the specified message. Display it without the Header … Read more

Faculty – Display Empty Search Message

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A When the user clicks on any letter, display message to the user indicating the “Not found” search result. Just display text message: “No faculty members were found. Change your selection criterion?” Apply it to all Faculty related pages. Can be checked on each and every page on the “Faculty / Practitioner … Read more

Faculty – Missing Program Title

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Add the missing “Program Title” to every Faculty member on all Faculty related pages Use a separate “Program Title” set Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Use the following new “Program Title” set to display on the Faculty member: degree … Read more

Intranet: Clinic Practitioners Full Name display format

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Chinese Full Name is not right. It should be 趙振平 Requests: English Full Name: Display it in the order of First Name + space + Last Name Chinese Full Name: Display it in the order of Last Name + First Name (no space in between) Access the Clinic Practitioner list … Read more

Faculty – Bridge Faculty

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Apply correct menu items to the “Inner Menu” Apply the highlighted “yellow bar” on top of the related menu item Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Build the dropdown list from the Menu list “Faculty / Practitioner List” defined in … Read more

Faculty – Retired Faculty

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: This page does not require the Inner Menu Remove the “Inner Menu” Menu Title Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Build the dropdown list from the Menu list “Faculty / Practitioner List” defined in WordPress Menu section Select from categoryid … Read more

CP: Academic Calendar

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A This is a static content page. Use the content from this doc Academic calendar content And apply the look-and-feel of the images provided below: Academic Calendar – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (TBA) <- Reference: Don’t use the presentation to the table of tablet and mobile New Page – Old Page Updated specs PC Layout Tablet Layout Mobile Layout CSS … Read more