Program Overview page

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Display the existing page (New Page below) content with the layout as specified in the desktop, tablet and mobile images (links provided below) Programs Overview – Tablet | Mobile | Reference siteNew Page – Old Page

CP: Academic Calendar

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A This is a static content page. Use the content from this doc Academic calendar content And apply the look-and-feel of the images provided below: Academic Calendar – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (TBA) <- Reference: Don’t use the presentation to the table of tablet and mobile New Page – Old Page Updated specs PC Layout Tablet Layout Mobile Layout CSS … Read more

Faculty – Clinic Practitioners – Santa Cruz

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Faculty selecting by letter: does not work Faculty display order: by last name + first name, in Ascending order Retrieve Clinic Faculty based on Santa Cruz Clinic Duplicate from “Clinic Practitioners” except select Faculty based on “Santa Cruz” Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup … Read more

Financial Aid – Tab layout

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Content (static only) is ready Set the look-and-feel of Tab layout to comply with the provided images on the Preview page Page layout: Check out the links below Catalog – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (TBA, tab layout) Catalog (2 columns) – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site New page Specified Tab to show on page-load To modify: Set 2nd tab as the … Read more

Faculty – DAOM – US Faculty

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Customize from existing Faculty – DTCM/MTCM page No need to implement “Clinic Schedule” feature Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Clinic Practitioners – Tablet | Mobile (pop up window & “Show Clinic Schedule” button) Clinic Practitioners – Tablet | Mobile (pop up window & “Show Clinic Schedule” button is clicked) Dropdown … Read more

Faculty – DAOM – International Faculty

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Split this page into two pages DAOM – US Faculty DAOM – International Faculty Keep this page as “DAOM – International Faculty” Customize from existing Faculty – DTCM/MTCM page No need to implement “Clinic Schedule” feature Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old … Read more

Faculty – Clinic Practitioners

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Faculty selecting by letter: does not work Faculty display order: by last name + first name, in Ascending order Pulling image from faculty table Customize from existing “Faculty – DTCM/MTCM” page Main difference being the implementation of “Clinic Schedule” Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for … Read more

CPT: Inner Menu for Selected Pages – 4

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A This task is superseded by Inner Menu new design task page Fixed: [Tablet / Mobile]Display menu items along with their hierarchical chain as shown in the image below Display sub-menu items by the corresponding Menu list defined in the Menus section Tech Specs Test page: Admissions Top level collapsed Top level expanded … Read more