Clinic Faculty records housekeeping

There are some relations between Faculty and Clinic Faculty tables For any record in the Clinic Faculty table, it should have a mapped Faculty ID exists in the Faculty table. There are First name and Last name fields in the Clinic Faculty table. But to simplify record maintenance purpose, they will not be used. Instead, … Read more

Transfer old site to a new server

Transfer existing old site from current server to the Liquid Web server. Three stages Stage 1: Replicate current site content to the new server Set up a temp subdomain site (  for the old site ( Replicate site content to the new server Stage 2: Adjust / customize and verify both sites work as expected on … Read more

Fix broken links before launch

While developing, there have been many changes, deletes, and what not. So broken links are deemed to happen. But before launch, most, if not all, of those broken links should be fixed. Once reasonable (caused by change of permalinks, page moving around, etc.) broken links are fixed, the reported (or logged) number of broken links … Read more