Select Events by Categories for Homepage

Area A: the most upcoming 3 events from DTCM/MTCM Admissions Events 中醫碩士博士聯讀入學活動 Services 社區醫療服務 Area B: the most upcoming 3 events from DAOM Admissions Events 針灸及東方醫學博士入學活動 Bridge Admissions Events 學位晉級DTCM/DAc雙語課程入學活動 To fix: Display issue on mobile screen Reduce the font size of (Chinese) Month to the size of the Event Title of that … Read more

Homepage: Customize Featured Posts

Convert the currently static content to a dynamic content on the Homepage Featured Posts section.. Set up a new section on FBU Settings admin page where the Editor can enter 3 Post IDs. Program will then retrieve the content of those 3 posts and its related Category info, display it on the corresponding column on the … Read more