IntraApps: Faculty – Display Chair department description on Chair pages

Custom existing shortcode and provide parameter to set language For English age: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”en“] For Chinese age: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”zh“] Retrieve and display on Faculty who are the Chair of a department: Selection criteria: display = “Y” ischair = 1 language LIKE ‘%en%’ or ‘%zh%’ Sorting: English page: sort by English Last name, First name ASC … Read more

Faculty – Display Empty Search Message

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A When the user clicks on any letter, display message to the user indicating the “Not found” search result. Just display text message: “No faculty members were found. Change your selection criterion?” Apply it to all Faculty related pages. Can be checked on each and every page on the “Faculty / Practitioner … Read more

Faculty – Missing Program Title

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Add the missing “Program Title” to every Faculty member on all Faculty related pages Use a separate “Program Title” set Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Use the following new “Program Title” set to display on the Faculty member: degree … Read more

Intranet: Clinic Practitioners Full Name display format

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Chinese Full Name is not right. It should be 趙振平 Requests: English Full Name: Display it in the order of First Name + space + Last Name Chinese Full Name: Display it in the order of Last Name + First Name (no space in between) Access the Clinic Practitioner list … Read more

Faculty – Retired Faculty

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: This page does not require the Inner Menu Remove the “Inner Menu” Menu Title Page layout: Check out the links below Faculty – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site (No Reference for popup windows) New Page – Old Page Build the dropdown list from the Menu list “Faculty / Practitioner List” defined in WordPress Menu section Select from categoryid … Read more

Intranet: Add another new field to “Clinic Faculty” table

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: After submitting the update on a practitioner, the screen should go back to the practitioner list table In the practitioner list table, it shows only the last name (original name field), add the newly added first name be added to the last name and display the full name. Specialty field … Read more