IntraApps: Remove Korean fields from UIs

Locate pages with Korean fields and remove it from UIs Pages with Korean fields: Editing Faculty: Faculty List – Faculty Category (select any Department) – Click any Faculty IDExample page (done) Editing Degree: Degree/Dept. – Check any radio button on the first column – Click “Edit selected” button (done) Editing Department: Degree/Dept. – Click any … Read more

Doctoral Level CEUs for courses not expired

Implemented: Add date filter to retrieve and display only courses that are not expired Content from database:Retrieve courses from table “fbu_extcal_courses“ Example SQL:Update the existing SQL to ‘enddate‘ > today (courses that are not expired)  $fbu_extcal_query = ” SELECT * FROM fbu_extcal_courses WHERE programs LIKE ‘%500%’ AND display = ‘Y’ AND language LIKE ‘%$language_nm%’ AND … Read more

Remove the overwritten of bullet list by ElementsKit widget

Current customized content built with ElementsKit can be replaced by Elementor accordion widget. Remove the ElementsKit settings that overwrite Intranet TinyMCE editor settings. If it is a unordered list created in Intranet TinyMCE editor, it should be displayed as such. BackendIntranet: Extension Calendar – Programs / Doctroal CEUs – General => 中藥針灸戒斷藥物成癮的簡介 – click the link  5/15/22 … Read more

Set Gravity Forms default font in Event page the same as Page/Post

Unless otherwise set differently, set the default font settings in Gravity Forms the same as Page/Post Default font settings font-family: “NotoSansTC-Light”; (Chinese)font-family: “Roboto-Light” (English)font-size: 20px;color: #545454;line-height: 1.6; To fix: Fixed: The font used in the Form on this page should be the same as regular pages.

Faculty: Link the practitioner on the new site

Implemented: Expand the profile of the specified specialist Link to the Practitioner on the new site, and expand the profile of that Practitioner Currently it links to the old site. The Specialist’s profle should be expanded. Ignore the setting in “Bio Page Link” (Intranet backend editing UI) A Specialist can serve on both locations, the … Read more