IntraApps: Implement 2-level Course structure

Implemented: The existing design is set at 3-levels:Degree – Department -Course The new design will be only 2-level for more flexibilityProgram – Course There are 3 UIs to modify Course Search: This is the default page of the whole IntraApps.In the new design, display only Program (internally named Degree) on the dropdown list for the … Read more

IntraApps: Extension Calendar UI redesign

Implemented: Remove “Continuing Education” field Remove “Massage Certificate”, “Medical Qigong”, Mind-Body Medicine” under “Applied Programs” Replace those three categories under “Applied Programs” with a text box for flexible Program title that editor come up with. Remove “Objectives” field Create a shortcode to build content for non-“Doctoral CEUs” courses – the courses with above “Doctoral CEUs” … Read more

Footer: Set the Copyright year dynamic

Currently the Copyright year on the first column of Footer is a static year. Meaning it will require editor to get in every year to update it. As you can see, it displays 2021 now. It’s year 2022 now. Make it a dynamic content so that it will be updated automatically every year. Fixed It … Read more

IntraApps: Remove Korean degree from dropdown lists

Remove Korean degree (Master in Oriental Medicine; Degree ID=6) related departments from various dropdown list Pages with Korean degree related dropdown lists: Degree List Course List Faculty List Extension Calendar List Degree List Live page Before After Course List Live page Before After “Master in Oriental Medicine” and “Retired” related are removed. Faculty List Live … Read more

IntraApps: Fix the broken input area from UIs

Locate pages with input area where it breaks out of its content box Pages with Korean fields: Editing Faculty: Faculty List – Faculty Category (select any Department) – Click any Faculty ID (done) Editing Degree: Degree/Dept. – Check any radio button on the first column – Click “Edit selected” button (not needed) Editing Department: Degree/Dept. … Read more