Update Course related Shortcode





Test URL(s):


The shortcode used is “wpos_table_display”

Shortcode used in TCM Acupuncture page:
[wpos_table_display degree=”master” program=”mtcm” department=”Acupuncture” req=”Required” disp_lang=”en” show_header=”true” disp_c=”Course Title,Code,Units,Hours,description,prerequisite” class=”wpos-tcm-theory-clinical-medicine-wrap”]


In the current design, a Course can be assigned to multiple departments. So the data field “departmentids” should be used for record selection, not “departmentid” field.

By the same token, if a Degree ID is to be matched, the data field “degreeids” should be used, not “degreeid” field.

Update the data field used in SQLs, replacing “departmentid” with “departmentids” when searching if the provided Department ID exists in the “departmentids” field. Same goes to Degree ID, check if it existis in “degreeids” field, not “degreeid”.

Use “departmentids” field, not “departmentid“.

$course_query = ” SELECT * FROM fbu_course WHERE 1=1 AND `departmentid`='”.$deg_dep_results[‘departmentid’].”‘”;

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