Fix Gravity form input fields layout and font size issues





Test URL(s):



Fix the input fields layout and font size issues.

Provide global solution instead of fixing every new form right after being created.

See the attached screenshots…

Mobile screen

For some reason, the list items’ font was set at 13px before.

It’s too small.

Set it to 1em so that in the future, it will display with the proper font size.

If that global settings are done, those two lines that are page dependent (postid: 86678, 86681) can be removed.

Old / existing forms
Newly created forms
The old / existing forms with issues contain this CSS class (legacy class?)
.gform_legacy_markup_wrapper .ginput_container_checkbox .gfield_checkbox li label
The new form just created, it does not have .gform_legacy_markup_wrapper class.

4 thoughts on “Fix Gravity form input fields layout and font size issues”

  1. It was found that the new settings applied only to the content with “.gform_legacy_markup_wrapper” class.

    But new forms created so not contain that class.
    So the settings will not be applied to new forms.

    Check the CSS classes on the new form created on the test page mentioned above.

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