Pages Housekeeping





Test URL(s):



Page Housekeeping Guidelines

  1. Move all TEST pages to the bottom of the Tree.
  2. Keep only one page for testing unless there is a known good reason to keep more than one. If in doubt, delete it.
  3. Keep the TREE structure as close to the MAIN MENU as possible for easy maintenance in the future. It doesn’t have to, but if does, it will save editor a hell of time to understand why the Tree was structured that way at that time. Like for now, can anyone explain to me why the TREE structure is constructed as it is,
  4. Delete all Draft before launch unless editor know why there are set as draft.
  5. MAIN MENU aside, keep more important (up to editor’s discretion or FBU school policy) as close to to top as possible. In many cases, pages are displayed according to the Tree order (which is Page Menu ID) by default. And you want more important pages displaced first. Homepage is without a doubt the top page. 

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