CPT: Category Page



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A


  1. Display the Feature image of the post on the card-type block.
  2. Display Post Title “as is”, in full, not to limit it in any length. 
  3. Center the Menu items in the Menu row when it becomes sticky on the top.
  4. Rearrange the post content items. Check the image attached below.
  5. Inside the individual post, add Comma to separate Tags
  6. Comply Responsive Breakpoints with the FBU specs at 992 px (Desktop to Tablet) and 768 px (Tablet to Mobile)
    FBU Website General Breakpoints
  7. Inner menu to be available on Tablet as well.
  8. Remove the top Category title, keep only the title on the Page Banner
Page Layout Design

Tech Specs
Our content source is different from theirs

Fixed: Overlapping on neighboring columns

Current design request

Current implementation

Fixed: Display “Filter Results” bar without expanding it when first visiting the Category page in Tablet and Mobile screen modes. Expand it with Popular Tags only after the user clicks the “Plus” sign.


  1. Move Tags to below “Date”, making Post Tile right below the image.
  2. Use original “Tag” font setting for “Date”, and original “Date” font setting for “Tag”. As shown on the image above. 

Fixed: Inner Menu spacing issue when it becomes sticky on the top

Fixed: Add Comma to separate Tags

Fixed: Remove the top Category title, keep only the title on the Page Banner
Tablet screen mode still shows the top Category Title

28 thoughts on “CPT: Category Page”

  1. Notes from meeting on 6/23

    1. Use “Browse All” page layout for Category page layout.
    2. Retrieve 12 posts from related Category or …
    3. When Tag on the “Popular Tags” list is clicked, it becomes the filter to select posts from related Categories.
    4. There can be multiple choices of Tags.

    See the Tech Specs doc for more detail.

  2. Hello Shawn,

    We have done the functionality of the category and browse all page please check both and share your feedback is it correct as per your need

    Category page: https://www.fivebranches.edu/category/news-events/university-news/

    browse a page: https://www.fivebranches.edu/browse-all-demo/

    NOTE: Don’t worry about the moble and tab view because it’s under progress for now just check functionality on the desktop only.

    We need to discuss some points related to the ‘category’ page and ‘browse all page’, please ping me tomorrow.


    • Can you please elaborate more with detail

      are you talking about bellow point

      your feedback: “To fix: Display “Filter Results” bar without expanding it when first visiting the Category page in Tablet and Mobile screen modes. Expand it with Popular Tags only after the user clicks the “Plus” sign.”

      my comment: We have checked here working fine.

  3. Several issues are still not fixed:
    1. Set the Responsive Breakpoints with FBU specified screen sizes
    2. On Tablet and Mobile screen modes, the popular tags should be collapsed when the page is initially loaded. Expand popular tags only after users click the “+” sign to access them.

    Check it out from the following links
    Initially loaded (collapsed)
    Click to select popular tags (expanded)

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