Inner Menu: Highlight bar too close to the Inner Menu options





Test URL(s):



Now: Fix the issue ASAP

When the page with Inner Menu is scrolled up and Inner Menu becomes stocky, the highlight bar (yellow one) got too close to the Inner Menu options.

To fix:

Left screenshot has wider space between yellow bar and menu options than the Right screenshot

Left page: Postgraduate DAOM Catalog

Right page: Registration For Online CEU

Left screenshot has wider space between yellow bar and menu options than the Right screenshot

Design Reference when menu options wrapped to the 2nd line

Reference page:
Transfer New Admits

Reduce the width of browser window till you see the 2nd line shows up.

4 thoughts on “Inner Menu: Highlight bar too close to the Inner Menu options”

  1. Compare these two pages and you can find out the difference.
    Set the space on the Right page the same as that of the Left page.
    Check the URL above
    Left page: Postgraduate DAOM Catalog
    Right page: Registration For Online CEU

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