LiquidWeb: Set up Alumni Staging site





Test URL(s):


Staging site

To put it simply, a staging site is a clone of your live website. It enables you to test any changes or major new features that you plan to implement in a secure environment. Developers typically use staging sites to test changes and fix bugs before going to production.

Your staging site is intentionally identical to your live site—same plugins, same settings, same widgets, and so on. The only real difference between your live website and a staging site is that the latter is not live.

Instead, it exists in a sort of sandbox where you can see how your WordPress website would react in everyday scenarios. Anything that happens in the staging environment won’t affect your live website.


  1. Create a sub-domain Alumni Staging site by duplicating current production Alumni site content with the site name as “”, and as such access it with “” URL.
  2. Create (and name) its database as alumni-staging. The database name was named by LiquidWeb Migration Team  as ” “alumni_fbudevstage“.

The issues mentioned below happened on the first cloning. On the 2nd cloning (re-cloning), those issues no longer exist.

Missing Header Logo


Missing Footer


Wrong Page Layout on Alumni News


Missing Sidebar on single Alumni News


Wrong website Favicon


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