Add “Type” field in Faculty retrieval





Test URL(s):



They “type” database field was added while setting up two new Faculty groups:
“Honorable” and “Former” Faculty

All existing facutly are considered “Active” faculty.

To prevent “Honorable” and “Former” Faculty being retrieved as Active faculty, the existing Faculty group retrieval SQLs should include “type” as part of searching criteria.

Update the following Faculty lists to include “type”:

1 thought on “Add “Type” field in Faculty retrieval”

  1. Hello,

    1) They “type” database field was added while setting up two new Faculty groups:
    “Honorable” and “Former” Faculty
    – I have created a new shortcode to display faculty based on the ‘type’ & ‘display’.

    2) All existing facutly are considered “Active” faculty.
    – Below faculty pages, data comes from the ‘fbu_faculty’ table & check with field ‘type’ is ‘A’ and ‘display’ is ‘Y’.
    – DAcHM & MAcHM Faculty
    – DAcHM/DAc Bridge Faculty
    – DAOM Faculty
    – Below faculty pages, data comes from the ‘fbu_clinic_faculty’ table & check with field ‘active’ is ‘Y’.
    – San Jose Clinic Practitioners
    – Santa Cruz Clinic Practitioners

    3) To prevent “Honorable” and “Former” Faculty being retrieved as Active faculty, the existing Faculty group retrieval SQLs should include “type” as part of searching criteria.
    – ‘Honorable’ & ‘Former’ faculty come from the ‘fbu_faculty’ table and in this table ‘Active’ field is not there. ‘display’ field is there and we have checked data comes based on the ‘display’ field.

    Please take a look and let me know.

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