Intranet: Clinic Practitioners Full Name display format



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Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

Fixed: Chinese Full Name is not right. It should be 趙振平


  1. English Full Name: Display it in the order of
    First Name + space + Last Name
  2. Chinese Full Name: Display it in the order of
    Last Name + First Name (no space in between)

Access the Clinic Practitioner list page

After logging in to the Intranet App

  1. Click on “Clinic Schedule”
  2. Click on “Faculty/Schedule”
The circled entry (ID=54) is the correct format

To Fix

Chinese: Last Name 趙; First Name: 振平 -> Full Name: 趙振平
Chinese Full Name is not right. It should be 趙振平

Chinese Full Name format:
[Last Name] + [First Name] (no space in between)

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