Intranet: Add another new field to “Clinic Faculty” table



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A


  1. After submitting the update on a practitioner, the screen should go back to the practitioner list table
  2. In the practitioner list table, it shows only the last name (original name field), add the newly added first name be added to the last name and display the full name.
  3. Specialty field content was missing.


  1. Add another name field as First Name field to the Clinic Practitioner table. Use the existing name field for Last name
  2. Modify existing UI to allow editors modifying the new data field with two input boxes: one for English First name, the other for Chinese First name

Access the Clinic Practitioner profile page

After logging in to the Intranet App

  1. Click on “Clinic Schedule”
  2. Click on “Faculty/Schedule”
  3. Click on the staff member to be modified
Add two input boxes in the UI for the new field "first_name"

Issues to fix

Fixed: After the upodate is submitted, it should go back to the practitioner list table.
Fixed: Add the new First Name to the original (Last) Name, make it a full name
Fixed: The Specialty info is missing
This is what it should be (on old site)

8 thoughts on “Intranet: Add another new field to “Clinic Faculty” table”

    • The Specialty field displays properly in the old site.
      Our change (adding First Name field) does not touch the “Specialty” part,
      why the same code for “Specialty” would not work on the new site?

  1. The difference in PHP version (7.3.24 old site vs. 7.3.31 new site) is not that significant.
    Practically speaking, it shouldn’t be the main culprit that caused the “Specialty” field display issue.

    However, it works as we expected now.


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