IntraApps: Remove Korean fields from UIs





Test URL(s):



Locate pages with Korean fields and remove it from UIs

Pages with Korean fields:

  1. Editing Faculty: Faculty List – Faculty Category (select any Department) – Click any Faculty ID
    Example page (done)
  2. Editing Degree: Degree/Dept. – Check any radio button on the first column – Click “Edit selected” button (done)
  3. Editing Department: Degree/Dept. – Click any Degree Name – Check any Department (radio button) – Click “Edit selected” button (done)
  4. Editing Course: Course List – Select any department – Click on Course Code (done)
  5. Editing Extesion Course: Extension Calendar – Select any option on the dropdown list – Click the date link (last column) (done)
  6. Editing Research Record:
    Research Papers – Click date link (done)

Edit Faculty

Edit Degree

Edit Department

Edit Course

Edit Extension Course

Edit Research Record

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