IntraApps: Implement 2-level Course structure





Test URL(s):




The existing design is set at 3-levels:
Degree – Department -Course

The new design will be only 2-level for more flexibility
Program – Course

There are 3 UIs to modify

  1. Course Search: This is the default page of the whole IntraApps.
    In the new design, display only Program (internally named Degree) on the dropdown list for the user to choose from.
  2. Course Search Result: This page displays the table list of searched result
  3. Course Details: This page displays the complete data for a given Course

The middle level of department still exists in the database. But it’s not used in this new design.

Course Search UI; Deployed to dev site by 6/1/2022
Course Detail UI; Deployed to dev site by 6/1/2022

1 thought on “IntraApps: Implement 2-level Course structure”

  1. This 2-level designed was deployed to the dev site by 6/1/2022.

    However, since 3-level design is still used on many frontend pages, it was later on decided that the backend UIs be restored back to 3-level design.

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