IntraApps: Faculty – Display Chair department description on Chair pages





Test URL(s):

English page: Department Chairs

Chinese page: 系主任


Check out the Faculty table structure for the new added “chair_desc” data field specs.


Custom existing shortcode and provide parameter to set language

For English age: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”en“]
For Chinese age: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”zh“]

Retrieve and display on Faculty who are the Chair of a department:

Selection criteria:
display = “Y”
ischair = 1
language LIKE ‘%en%’ or ‘%zh%’

English page: sort by English Last name, First name ASC
Chinese page: sort by Chinese Last name, First name ASC
The sorting is the same as other regular Faculty pages
Example: English Faculty pageChinese Faculty page

Display name format:
English name: FirstName + ” ” + LastName
Chinese name: LastName + FirstName (no space between Last and First names)

Display Chair dept description on the frontend page as shown on the screenshot below.

Specs requested

To fix:

If a Faculty member does not have a Chinese name, display English name instead.

Display English name in a conventional way:
First name + ” ” + Last name
Not Last name + First name 

This issue is fixed (8/17/2022).

5 thoughts on “IntraApps: Faculty – Display Chair department description on Chair pages”

  1. Follow the requests stated above
    just consider display, ischair and language
    ignore the criteria categoryid
    [pap_faculty_chairs language=’zh’ categoryid=”1,2,3″]

  2. The Faculty display order should be the same as other regular Faculty pages.
    Check the example pages provided above.

    As mentioned above, the shortcode should be
    English page: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”en“]
    Chinese page: [pap_faculty_chairs language=”zh“]
    Nothing more, nothing less.

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