iFrame and CSS conflict





Test URL(s):

Frontend page: Future Students — -copy

Backend page: Backend editing interface


Here is the info that provide from the CRM: Element451
The script you provided should work for embedding the iframe with a width of 100%. If it’s not displaying correctly, consider the following:

Parent Container: Ensure the parent container of the iframe is also set to 100% width.
CSS Conflicts: Check for any CSS rules that might be overriding the iframe’s width.
Responsive Design: If the page is responsive, ensure that media queries or other responsive design elements aren’t affecting the iframe’s width.
Inspect Element: Use browser developer tools to inspect the iframe and its parent elements to identify any constraints.



The form embeded on this page by inserting JavaScript codes in HTML element does not display in full width as expected

Frontend page: Future Students — -copy

Backend page: Backend editing interface


The JavaScript codes embeded in the HTML element at the bottom row:

<script>(function(){document.write('<iframe title="Apply 2025" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="1200px" src="https://embed-forms.451.io/?formId=fivebranches.forms.7710&apiUrl=https%3A%2F%2Ffivebranches.api.451.io%2Fv2%2F&accessToken=e3g6PjWAv6uzdwvAgyfLYwSWgf8ssh5s5XQMW1S0&featureToken=YLQHKRFCwQh48BHDgBrlvslq5BDOEG67rE35lYrd&analyticsToken=5GgvlBG7wy35V2St48NZO24MsW0rVJP7VIB17yzU&sourceUrl='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)+'"></iframe>');})();</script>

It was found that the form’s width is limited to max-width: 600px;

Issue was caused on the third party service.

This task was closed on 11/7/2024.

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