Homepage: Customize Featured Posts





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Convert the currently static content to a dynamic content on the Homepage Featured Posts section..

Set up a new section on FBU Settings admin page
where the Editor can enter 3 Post IDs.

Program will then retrieve the content of those 3 posts and its related Category info,
display it on the corresponding column on the Homepage Featured Posts section.

See the screenshot below for details.
From left to right: Post 1, 2, and 3 

Keep the “Category names” and “Link to Post’s Category page” static (fixed), i.e.,

1st Column: University News
2nd Column: Interviews
3rd Column: TCM & Acupuncture Blog

Dynamic content: Load the “Featured image” and “Post title” of the Post ID entered by the Editor in the FBU Setting page.

Set up 2 sets of Post IDs:
One for English Homepage, the other for Chinese Homepage

Validate that each input box (in the block marked 3 above) takes only ONE single Integer.

To fix:

The links work fine to lead users to its corresponding page, but its text are styled as line-through.

Line-through decoration is only applied to an invalid link.

9 thoughts on “Homepage: Customize Featured Posts”

  1. The Featured Image and Post Title should be links to the Post.
    It’s not implemented yet.

    Also, keep only ONE section of the Featured Posts.
    Remove extra one.

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