Homepage: Add latest News section below latest Events section





Test URL(s):



Add a section below the Latest Events section.

Fill the section with the Latest News.

There are two parts in the section.
First part: takes up 3 columns
fill with the latest 3 News

Second part: takes up 1 column
fill with a list of the 4th and above (up to a total of 5) News in this column.

When on the mobile device,
display 1st part as a 3-part slider, users can swipe from one to another News

News Sources:

  1. University News
  2. Interviews
  3. TCM & Acupuncture Blog

Latest Posts (Desktop & Tablet)

the latest event 

the 2nd event 

the 3rd event 

Display a list of events from the 4th, 5th, etc. events 

Latest Posts (Mobile)

Display the latest 3 events one at a time

Display a list of events from the 4th, 5th, etc. events 

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