Homepage: Add latest events section below Slider section





Test URL(s):



Add a section below Slider section.

Fill the section with the Latest Events.

There are two parts in the section.
First part: takes up 3 columns
fill with the latest 3 events

Second part: takes up 1 column
fill with a list of the 4th, 5th, and 6th (up to max 3) Events in this column

When on mobile device,
display 1st part as a 3-part slider, users can swipe from one to another event

Events Sources:

  1. Event Announcement
  2. DTCM/MTCM Admissions Events
  3. DAOM Admissions Events
  4. Bridge Admissions Events
  5. Community Services
  6. School Events

Upcoming Events (Desktop & Tablet)

the latest event 

the 2nd event 

the 3rd event 

Display a list of events from the 4th, 5th, etc. events 

Upcoming Events (Mobile)

Display the latest 3 events one at a time

Display a list of events from the 4th, 5th, etc. events 

To fix:

Desktop & Tablet section layout

Adjust layout per our Requests

Mobile section layout

Design this section, as mentioned in the Requests section, two parts so that when viewed on the mobile screen, it will display only two sections, not four sections.

Layout settings:

  1. Remove the “Upcoming Events” Heading for the “Events Calendar” section.
  2. Adjust the width of Event Featured Image the same as News’.
  3. Add Heading for each section on the 4th column: “Events Calendar”, “News Center”
  4. Set the font attributes as specified:
    font color: primary #302e2e; date: #a4a4a4

Layout settings:

  1. Set the Heading of both Latest Events and News as shown on the image above
  2. Link the Heading to its corresponding main page

Layout settings:

  1. Use the same font style as other section

7 thoughts on “Homepage: Add latest events section below Slider section”

  1. Hi,

    We have make change as per your given please check with clear catch we have already removed “remove this area” section.

    In mobile slider not possible it display 3 event and then 3 widget event.
    We try to find slider if they provide any widget otherwise it possible with custom code.

    Que : If we find paid event slider addon then it’s fine for you?

    Please check and let us know if you have any issue or query.

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