Financial Aid – Tab layout



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

Content (static only) is ready
Set the look-and-feel of Tab layout to comply with the provided images on the Preview page

Page layout: Check out the links below

New page

Specified Tab to show on page-load

To modify: Set 2nd tab as the default tab to show right after page-load

We will have 3 different pages each has link to the different tab in this page. So we need to set up tag or internal anchor for each tab. Then build different URL for the link that will be used on other 3 pages. 

10 thoughts on “Financial Aid – Tab layout”

  1. Set 2nd tab as the default tab to show right after page-load.

    Add tag or inner anchor to each tab so that we can display different tab when this page is called from different pages.

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