Faculty: Sort Chinese name by stroke number



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

Added a new data field (ch_names) to hold combined Chinese names (Last name + First name) and sort on this new column by the stroke number of its Chinese names.

  1. Create a new data field (ch_names) in the Faculty table (fbu_faculty)
  2. Set up the Faculty table properly for Chinese character sorting
  3. Build the column content from existing last_name and first_name columns
  4. Implement the Chinese Faculty pages (listed below) with this new settings

Chinese Faculty pages:

  1. All Teaching Faculty:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=26004&lang=zh-hant
  2. DTCM/MTCM Faculty:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=27879&lang=zh-hant
  3. DTCM/DAc Bridge Faculty:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=27884&lang=zh-hant
  4. DAOM Faculty:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=26306&lang=zh-hant
  5. Clinic Practitioners – San Jose:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=27894&lang=zh-hant
  6. Clinic Practitioners – Santa Cruz:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=56074&lang=zh-hant
  7. Retired Faculty:https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=27897&lang=zh-hant

3 thoughts on “Faculty: Sort Chinese name by stroke number”

  1. Hello,

    I have added the ch_names column and update that column using PHP script
    some record had not chines name exist so right now its blank https://prnt.sc/25slv36
    so you need to go database table and add the chines ‘ch_names’ https://prnt.sc/25sljiz

    right now I have implemented only this page https://www.fivebranches.edu/?page_id=27879&lang=zh-hant please check and let me know order is correct or not, if correct then we will implement the method in other short-code too.

    query is printed here https://prnt.sc/25slnku

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