Faculty: DAOM Faculty (Chinese version)



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

Created the Chinese version of  “DAOM Faculty” page from its English counter page

Chinese version: https://dev.fivebranches.org/?page_id=26306&lang=zh-hant

Reference English page:

Display all Faculty members from 

Doctorate & PhD = (degreeid = 2)
(See screenshot below)

With the common conditions like
display = ‘Y’ AND language LIKE ‘%zh%’ ORDER BY lastname+firstname ASC LIMIT 0, 500″;
Create a shortcode for something like  “daom_faculty_all_zh” (with proper prefix or suffix) for this page
Doctorate & PhD = (degreeid = 2)
DAOM - categoryid = 4, 5, 6, 7


One name field with multiple language names

On the same name field, be it “firstname” or “lastname”, it contains multiple language names.

First entry: English name
Second entry: Chinese name

For Chinese page, pull out Chinese name and sort. If there is no Chinese name, use English name if it’s available.

5 thoughts on “Faculty: DAOM Faculty (Chinese version)”

  1. Hello,

    Status : Done

    Here no need to create separate shortcode for Chinese, common [wpos_daom_faculty_all] shortcode will use for both language

    English SQL query:

    SELECT * FROM fbu_faculty WHERE 1 AND degreeids LIKE ‘%2%’ AND display = ‘Y’ AND language LIKE ‘%en%’ ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC LIMIT 0, 500

    Chinese SQL query:

    SELECT * FROM fbu_faculty WHERE 1 AND degreeids LIKE ‘%2%’ AND display = ‘Y’ AND language LIKE ‘%zh%’ ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC LIMIT 0, 500

    Please let me know if any query or issue.

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