Faculty: DAOM Faculty



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

Created a new “DAOM Faculty” page from the “DAOM – International Faculty” page

Display all Faculty members from 

Doctorate & PhD = (degreeid = 2)
(See screenshot below)

Or categoryid = 4, 5, 6, 7

With the common conditions like
display = ‘Y’ AND language LIKE ‘%en%’ ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC LIMIT 0, 500″;
Create a shortcode for something like  “daom_faculty_all” (with proper prefix or suffix) for this page
Doctorate & PhD = (degreeid = 2)
DAOM - categoryid = 4, 5, 6, 7

To fix:

Fixed: PC: Content gets out of the Card wrapper area
Fixed: Mobile: Content gets out of the Card wrapper area

Why is there so much blank space when none of any profile description is long enough to take up the space?

How the extra blank space is set up?


Fixed: All profile width should be the same

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