Customizing Social Media Icon group





Test URL(s):

Social Media Icon Group on Footer




Set up environment for customizing Social Media Icon Group:

Each language can have its own combination of Social Media icons.

Icon display order (which one goes first, 2nd, etc.) can be customized.

Current “FBU Settings” admin page is overcrowded now.
Set up a separate page (FBU S.M. Tool) for this Tool so that the Editor would not be distracted by other settings.

Keep the icon group only right below the School description block for both Desktop and Mobile screens.

Remove the icon group from the Footer section.

See Live Demo here

Specs update:

  1. Start the Social media from 1, not 0.
  2. Add section C: “and More…” settings
  3. Add a text link as the last element of the icon group

See Live Demo here

To fix: The Social Icons disappear on the Tablet screen

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