Alumni: Remove extra space above and below the main page content

Reduced Space above and below main page content. The space has been reduced from original 60px (above) and 50px (below) to 2em. These settings apply to all Pages of the whole site. Production site: Reduced Space above and below main page content. The space has been reduced from original 60px (above) and 50px (below) to … Read more

Alumni – Set User Role to “Contributor” for users without posting listing

Housekeeping on registered alumni Criteria: Set users currently with “subscriber” user role to “Contributor” user role if he/she has not posted any listing. Search from the Sabai Directory Listing, find those users with listing published. Check against all “subscriber” users, if they are not on the listing author group, change their user role to “no … Read more

Resolve the high volume of “Failed Login” on Alumni website

There had been hundreds or even thousands of failed login records found in very short period of time. Worse yet, the usernames used in the failed logins are mostly, if not all, registered usernames. More stringent rules were then applied to limit the attempts to login, such as login lock out feature, change of login … Read more

Housekeeping on temporary or unused websites on the server

There are several temporary / unused websites that were set up while updating / archiving the production site with the new design site. In addition, with the after restructuring existing websites, the temporary / intermediate website(s) should be removed as well. The following websites were removed: tracking.fivebranches.edu2 alumni.fivebranches.edu2