Post: Chinese “Browse All” page

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed Chinese date format Build the Chinese “Browse All” page with same structure (page layout) of English “Browse All” page and pulling content from Chinese part of posts. English “Browse All” page – Chinese “Browse All” page To fix: Browse All page Fixed the Chinese Date format to Month Date, year4 月 … Read more

Sidemenu: Set up default menu structure for the 2nd and higher level pages

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A The existing Tech Specs, specifies only 3 levels of the Sidemenu. To make it available to all levels down, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.set the display specs for the 2nd level as the default menu structure. Main structure: Show its parent on the top Show its siblings Show its subpages When its … Read more

Sidemenu: Fix menu items display order

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Need to fix the Sidemnu menu item display order per Page Tree structure According to the Tech Specs, the Menu Items should be displayed according to this guideline: “Display subpages in the Ascending order of their Page Order. If the Page Orders are the same, say if many Page Orders … Read more

Sidemenu: Remove the gap

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: Sidemenu on some pages are with gap  Actual page: DTCM/MTCM Program Home Fixed: Sidemenu on some pages are without gap but the Yellow bar position is off – above the bottom of Page Banner Actual page: Catalog

Sidemenu: Misaligned

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Standard Page Layout for WordPress PAGEs – Tablet | Mobile | Reference site: Sidebar on the LEFT Example PAGE of Current standard PAGE template Example PAGE of Current standard PAGE template