Faculty: Link the practitioner on the new site

Implemented: Expand the profile of the specified specialist Link to the Practitioner on the new site, and expand the profile of that Practitioner Currently it links to the old site. The Specialist’s profle should be expanded. Ignore the setting in “Bio Page Link” (Intranet backend editing UI) A Specialist can serve on both locations, the … Read more

Update Tag page right sidebar settings

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A The sidebar CSS settings updated The right sidebar content block contains the latest 10 posts of the same Category of current post. CSS Settings to update: follow the setting in the Single Post Reduce the intensity of the headline black color to #878686 Display the headline in a non-numbered list. Make … Read more

Update single post right sidebar settings

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Updated the sidebar CSS settings The right sidebar content block contains the latest 10 posts of the same Category of current post. CSS Settings to update: Reduce the intensity of the headline black color to #878686 Display the headline in a non-numbered list. Make the bullet head with the same color … Read more

Post: Chinese “Browse All” page

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed Chinese date format Build the Chinese “Browse All” page with same structure (page layout) of English “Browse All” page and pulling content from Chinese part of posts. English “Browse All” page – Chinese “Browse All” page To fix: Browse All page Fixed the Chinese Date format to Month Date, year4 月 … Read more

Post: Category page – add link to image

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Add the single post link to the image on all Post Category pages so that when clicked, it will lead the user to that single post. And when the Featured image is displayed in the card-like content block in Category page, display the image center(x)-center(y) at the center of the card-like … Read more