Retrieve the latest posts as featured posts on the homepage

Instead of retrieving Post ID from FBU settings, retrieving the latest post of the corresponding Category as the Featured Post for the Homepage. Both English and Chinese sites have their own latest posts. So retrieve correctly on each language. Featured posts on the Homepage Current posts to retrieve from New request: The latest post of … Read more

Fix missing Inner Sub-Menu issue

For Program related pages, they should have inner sub-menu built -in. But some pages do not have related inner sub-menu as expected. It was found that the Menu setting was left blank. That’s why the sub-menu displayed was not related to the program. By selecting correct Menu defined in the Menu section, the sub-menu shows … Read more

Faculty: Link the practitioner on the new site

Implemented: Expand the profile of the specified specialist Link to the Practitioner on the new site, and expand the profile of that Practitioner Currently it links to the old site. The Specialist’s profle should be expanded. Ignore the setting in “Bio Page Link” (Intranet backend editing UI) A Specialist can serve on both locations, the … Read more