Migrate Tracking website from Plesk to cPanel&WHM

In the move to migrate all websites on Plesk server to cPanel server, the Tracking website is very much the last website to migrate to. Need to remove the existing dumb Tracking site on cPanel server first.Then clone it from Plesk to cPanel. The website on cPanel was switched to LIVE on 2/22/2024.

Migrate websites from Plesk to cPanel&WHM

Since FBU has signed up for a more secure hosting environment – cPanel/WHM, all websites hosted on Plesk environment will be migarted to cPanel/WHM batch by batch. In this batch, the following websites will be migrated. https://dcsproduction.comhttps://creativemodeler.comhttps://sbcgc.orghttps://livingwaterfountain.comhttps://warmspringspa.comhttps://caduceusmatch.com All websites above have been cloned on cPanel on 2/14/2024. Currently in the process of verifying websites on … Read more

Remove not used websites

For the not used or no longer active websites that are infected, instead of restoring from a clean backup copy (which is no longer available), simply remove those websites. Those 5 websites were removed from Plesk on 2/12/2024. All those removed domains are still pointing to A record, which is why it is showing plesk … Read more

Verify the migrated websites in cPanel environment

The following websites have been migrated to the new cPanel environmentwaiting to be verified before officially switched from currnt websites on Plesk environment. Current LIVE websites  1. https://www.fivebranches.edu2. https://alumni.fivebranches.edu3. https://eva.fivebranches.edu To access the migrated websites on cPanel evironment,change your local host fileC:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts by adding the following lines: fivebranches.edu www.fivebranches.edu50.28.72.131 alumni.fivebranches.edu www.alumni.fivebranches.edu50.28.72.131 eva.fivebranches.edu www.eva.fivebranches.edu

LiquidWeb: Set up Alumni Staging site

Create a sub-domain Alumni Staging site by duplicating current production Alumni site content with the site name as “alumni-staging.fivebranches.edu”, and as such access it with “https://alumni-staging.fivebranches.edu/” URL. Create (and name) its database as alumni-staging. The database name was named by LiquidWeb Migration Team  as ” “alumni_fbudevstage“. The issues mentioned below happened on the first cloning. … Read more