Resolve IntraApps Faculty & Practitioner tables Update issue

It was found that the “Add new” function on both Faculty (fbu_faculty table) & Practitioner (fbu_clinic_faculty table) would encounter “SQL Error”. Both “Add new” function program have been modified to take new data fields into consideration, and adjust somedatabase related settings. The “Add new” function now works on both Faculty and Practitioner tables. For those … Read more

Fix IntraApps access issue

It was found that, after migrating to the new server, the IntraApps could not be accessed. After migrating to a new server, the WordPress database settings have been changed. The IntraApps, being a non-WordPress app, was not covered by the Migration Team of the hosting company, so it could not access the required database. As … Read more

IntraApps: Fix clinic faculty update issue that wipe out new data fields

It was found that the existing backend IntraApps would wipe out new data fields that were added to make Clinic Faculty tablle self-contained to build frontend Health Center pages. The database updating method used by existing codes, being not knowing the newly added data fields, will update only existing data fields, and wipe out (set … Read more

Clinic Faculty: Add “level” data field to and display accordingly from this table

Add “level” data field to Clinic Faculty table so that that data will be available to display on the Helath Center pages without referring to the Faculty table. The SQL statements of the Helath Center pages should not involve Faculty table. Practitioners WITHOUT “Professor / Instructor / …” Practitioners WITH “Professor / Instructor / …”

Clinic Faculty: Add “language” field to the table

The “language” field is needed to indicate which (or both) language pages to display on Health Center pages. Clinic Faculty table is now a complete, self-contained table for Health Center pages. “language” field used in Faculty table. “language” field used in Clinic Faculty table. “language” field Editing UI is ready.

Display frontend Health Center pages with photos from Clinic Faculty table

To decouple “Clinic Faculty” table from “Faculty” table, photos to be displayed on the frontend Health Center pages, from now on, should be retrieved from “photo” field in the “Clinic Faculty” table. Photos are stored under /portrait folder with naming convention as follows: cfxxx.png or cfxxx.png ( cf1.png, cf22.jpg, cf345.png) xxx: the facultyID from 1 … Read more

Fix: Faculty & Clinic Faculty display sorting order on last name + first name

For Faculty & Practitioners with the same last name, the sorting criteria should also apply to the first name. To get around the issue caused by the trilingual data fields, an extra step to create a temporary array for sorting purpose is implemented to resolve the issue. Clinic Practitioners – San Jose All Teaching Faculty … Read more