Clinic: Create two pages to display new Practitioners groups
Need to set up two Faculty groups pages on the frontend – Honorable Faculty and Former Faculty. This task was closed on 2/13/2025 due to no new requests for a substantial period of time.
Need to set up two Faculty groups pages on the frontend – Honorable Faculty and Former Faculty. This task was closed on 2/13/2025 due to no new requests for a substantial period of time.
They “type” database field was added while setting up two new Faculty groups:“Honorable” and “Former” Faculty All existing facutly are considered “Active” faculty. To prevent “Honorable” and “Former” Faculty being retrieved as Active faculty, the existing Faculty group retrieval SQLs should include “type” as part of searching criteria. Update the following Faculty lists to include … Read more
Set up Courses Lists to display all related courses:(part of migrating Intranet to IntraApps v2) Task implemented on 11/11/2024.
It was found that after editing a course in backend, the frontend page required courses lists no longer show up. This is the course edited: Professional Ethics (login required)courseid: 130; code: FCD 300 The course list on the following page needs to be corrected:Career Development and TCM Energetics Required courses missing Career Development and TCM Energetics Resolving the … Read more
Need to set up two Faculty groups pages on the frontend – Honorable Faculty and Former Faculty. A new data field has been added in the Faculty table. A new data field has been added in the Faculty table (fbu_faculty). Select Faculty from the table where1. “display” is set at “Y” and 2. “type” be … Read more
A SQL error was encountered when adding a new CEU course. A CEU was added without SQL error. It was found that the culprit was the emoji entered in the description field. Upon removing them, no problems completing the updating of this CEU course.
While working on “Adding two more Faculty types”, more features were implemented on the existing IntraApps (v2) module. This step can be considered as a basis for migrating all Intranet apps (or IntraApps v1) to the new IntraApps v2 module, mainly to drop the old Smarty Template engine. As of 10/31/2024, the following features are … Read more
Add two more groups of Faculty Former FacultyHonorable Faculty Current Five Branches faculty On the Faculty page: Final implementation Instead of adding two more groups in either Degree or Department, just add a new data field “type” in both Faculty and Clinic table to differentiate Faculty and Practitoners among 3 types: Active, Former, and Honorable.
Add extra data fields to existing tables mainly for reporting purpose. Faculty List: Add Faculty Level, i.e. Senior Professor / Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Instructor Professional Title Practitioner List: Add Professional Title Faculty Professional Title Practitioner Professional Title The Exporting feature has been implemented and task closed on 8/23/2024.
Need to change course location from single to multiple choices. Original Single choice from a dropdown list New Multiple choices from Checkboxes Display only one Single location, need to add more to reflex multiple locations Update the location block to reflext multiple locations Updated design that reflects multiple locations Appears on both online and in … Read more