Intranet: Add another new field to “Clinic Faculty” table

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: After submitting the update on a practitioner, the screen should go back to the practitioner list table In the practitioner list table, it shows only the last name (original name field), add the newly added first name be added to the last name and display the full name. Specialty field … Read more

Upgrade Smarty Template Engine

It’s now upgraded to 3.1.44 (4/27/2022) Working on practical way to solve the problemCurrent FBU Intranet App was built with Smarty Template Engine for its user interface. The last workable templates were compiled with the version 2.6.20. When recompiled with modified under interface, it causes some problems running in the existing working environment. To solve … Read more

Intranet: Troubleshoot Faculty/List blank page

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A The Faculty/Schedule feature on Intranet app was found became a blank page on 9/12/2021 when clicking 2 after clicking 1 as shown on the image below.. Later on it was found the template page was not built properly. After coping from old site, it became normal. The cause of the “corruption” … Read more

Intranet: Add a new field to “Clinic Faculty” table

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A This extra field can be done without updating Smarty version User interface for updating that new field is implemented To provide an image link from Clinic Faculty table for Faculty table, a field is needed in the Clinic Faculty table. A field named “mapped_fid” was added on 9/15/2021 to serve that … Read more