Fix: Community Events Calendar Page Error

The link to Community Services Events page caused 404 Not Found Error. After adding “Community Services” Event Category, the page responds properly without causing 404 Not Found error. “Community Services” category added.

Fix Date format on Chinese Event page

The Date format on Chinese page is wrong. The upper part should be Month, and lower part, Date. This is just to show the correct Month/Date format on Chinese pages, the background CSS settings should be the same as the first screenshot. Corrected Date format

Redesign Event Landing Page

Redesign Landing Page with multiple steps with Warning prompt before exiting the page Implement it first on the dev site for evaluation Use the existing event on the dev site as an example Santa Cruz Onsite DTCM/MTCM Open House The Form used: ID=2: Event: DTCM/MTCM Enrollment Customizable texts The Button Label cane be customized by … Read more

Events: Other pages with 3 upcoming event announcements

Pages that require “3 upcoming event announcements” section: DTCM/MTCM Program homepage Admissions Category: DTCM/MTCM Admissions Events DAOM Category: DAOM Admissions Events Bridge Program homepage Program Admissions Category: Bridge Admissions Events DAc/MAc Program homepage Admissions Category:  Apply the design for DTCM/MTCM to pages mentioned above, except DAOM.Apply also to their corresponding Chinese pages. Display “There … Read more

Events: Customizing Single Event Page

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed1. Add Location2. Add Year Test page: DTCM/DAc Admissions Info Session for Spring Enrollment Add Location Add “location” after “Date” as shown above.Add not just on the upper part (upper image) of the Event content, but also the the Related Events area (2nd image). location such as Online Event, Santa Cruz … Read more

Events: DTCM/MTCM 3 upcoming event announcements

Retrieve the 3 latest events from the Event Category the page belongs to, in this case, “DTCM/MTCM Admissions Events” . For each event, drop the related fields on respective location as depicted in the screenshot below. Data fields to display Event start date Static string (drop this one, remove the extra space) Event title Events … Read more