EVA – Remove extra tables from database

There are 4 sets of table prefixes found in the Evaluation website database:1. 22ev_2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_4. st_ The website can run as expected without the following two groups of tables2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_ Total table number dropped from 210 to 60. Those two groups of tables were removed first on the Staging wbesite without issues. They were then also … Read more

IntraApps: Fix clinic faculty update issue that wipe out new data fields

It was found that the existing backend IntraApps would wipe out new data fields that were added to make Clinic Faculty tablle self-contained to build frontend Health Center pages. The database updating method used by existing codes, being not knowing the newly added data fields, will update only existing data fields, and wipe out (set … Read more

Housekeeping on eva database

It was found that there are 4 database table prefixes in Evaluation Services website. Two of them are not needed. So tables with those two prefixes should be removed. The database size will be significantly reduced and website performance and maintenance could be improved. Four sets of table prefixes1. 22ev_2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_4. st_ prod site Approx. changes … Read more

Study: Investigate the high volume file open requests

This is for the study.fivebranches.edu website. It was found from an incident where the Database server was shut down due to MySQL file open requests from the database st5bu reaching the open file limit. The file limit was later on increased to prevent or reduce the possibility of Database bing shut down again. Investigate which page … Read more

Resolve the database server down issue

The database was found down on 7/28/2022 morning. After restarting the database server, sites went back to normal. Also the file limit was increased to prevent or reduce the possibility of Database being shut down again. A task page was set up to investigate the cause of high volume file open requests. Study: Investigate the … Read more