Set the Privacy Policy link on the footer to be language dependent

Currently the copyright content block is hardcoded and used by both English and Chinese websites. And that content block include Privacy Police. At this time, the code does not consider which language this Privacy Policy is to be displayed on the English or Chinese website. Change the design so that it will serve the English … Read more

Footer: Set the Copyright year dynamic

Currently the Copyright year on the first column of Footer is a static year. Meaning it will require editor to get in every year to update it. As you can see, it displays 2021 now. It’s year 2022 now. Make it a dynamic content so that it will be updated automatically every year. Fixed It … Read more

Footer: Update Footer content for Chinese pages

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Set up the SOPs to updating Footer section for Chinese pages WPML plugin is used to handle the multilingual page content. But it takes extra efforts to work with widgets, especially Custom widgets. Find a best and most convenient way to updating Footer section content.

Footer: V2-0713

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Tech specs: Footer V2-0713: CSS settings Demo page: Test Page: Homepage Fixed: Make the copyright section on a line, no wrapping, across the whole section, and flush to the left Fixed: Make the School info block centered