CSS: Global Settings should have higher priority unless locally customized

Implemented: Set up the CSS stylesheet loading sequence properly so that the stylesheet of the active theme is higher than all other stylesheets. This is to make sure that our specified Global CSS settings will not be overwritten by other plugins unless locally necessary. Not to apply “!important” property on global settings.

Button Group: CSS Settings conflict

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Fixed: All buttons stick together in the Calendar pages with the customized Section CSS class “wpos-academic-calendar“. That class quite possibly conflicts with the Button Group CSS settings Test pages: daca-Academic Calendar (DAc/MAc)Academic Calendar (DTCM)Academic Calendar (EDAOM)Academic Calendar (CDAOM)Bridge Academic Calendar

CSS: Use Chinese font for Chinese pages

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Use Chinese font “Noto Sans TC” (Traditional Chinese) from Google for Chinese pages as specified in the Font Setting (see attached screenshot) or on the Tech Doc FBU Customized CSS settings below Set the body element such that it will display English text with Roboto Light font, and Chinese text with … Read more

Button Group CSS Settings

Status: Closed; Priority: N/A Move most, if not all, CSS settings to a class (such as 1 in the screenshot below – wpos-widget-button) stored in style.css so that Editor does not need to customize button from options (such as 2 in the screenshot below) provided by Elementor Editor. The CSS settings are documented here Button … Read more