Clinic Faculty Expanded Window Link Change
To further decouple “Faculty” and “Clinic Faculty” tables, the expand link used in current Health Center pages need to be replaced with Clinic Faculty ID instead of Faculty ID.
To further decouple “Faculty” and “Clinic Faculty” tables, the expand link used in current Health Center pages need to be replaced with Clinic Faculty ID instead of Faculty ID.
The link to Community Services Events page caused 404 Not Found Error. After adding “Community Services” Event Category, the page responds properly without causing 404 Not Found error. “Community Services” category added.
To decouple “Clinic Faculty” table from “Faculty” table, photos to be displayed on the frontend Health Center pages, from now on, should be retrieved from “photo” field in the “Clinic Faculty” table. Photos are stored under /portrait folder with naming convention as follows: cfxxx.png or cfxxx.png ( cf1.png, cf22.jpg, cf345.png) xxx: the facultyID from 1 … Read more
For Faculty & Practitioners with the same last name, the sorting criteria should also apply to the first name. To get around the issue caused by the trilingual data fields, an extra step to create a temporary array for sorting purpose is implemented to resolve the issue. Clinic Practitioners – San Jose All Teaching Faculty … Read more
The Elementor Heading component’s font size does not display as it should be. When set at h2, it actually displays h3 size. In mobile view, neither the HTML Tag nor the Size options do anything to change the font size. It was found that in Elementor Heading h2 is overwritten by h3, that’s why the … Read more
It has been some time after last syncing from the Live site to the Dev site. It’s losing the purpose as a Staging site for developing / testing purpose.
To fix: When a new Clinic faculty was added to the table, when his/her photo was not available, it was found that program does not display default Unknown photo, instead it display the photo of previous faculty. If photo is not available, it should display the default “Unknown” image.
The only way to update Clinic Faculty Active field is on the List page, not on the individual Clinic Faculty page. However, the updating button on current Clinic Faculty List page doesn’t work. Instead of developing using existing old coding system, a new page is set up for updating Active field in addition to other … Read more
To decouple the relation between “Faculty” (fbu_faculty) and “Clinic Faculty” (fbu_clinic_faculty) tables, Clinic Faculty table needs to have “photo” field to hold its own photo data. “photo” data fields is in plce and the UI to update that field is also implemented.
To decouple the relation between “Faculty” (fbu_faculty) and “Clinic Faculty” (fbu_clinic_faculty) tables, instead of retriving Names from mapped Faculty record (fbu_faculty), retrieve directly from Names of its own (fbu_clinic_faculty) table, to display on the frontend Health Center pages. If the name is not available, leave it blank. NOT to retrieve it from the corresponing record … Read more