Clinic Faculty: Change display criteria

Display Practitioners on both locations San Jose and Santa Cruz both Languages: English and Chinese Only if the Practitioner’s “Active” field in the Clinic Faculty table is set to “Yes”. Ignore the “Suspend” field setting in its corresponding record in Faculty table. Clinic Faculty table Faculty Table Test case: Chen Ping (Joanna) Chao: Faculty ID: … Read more

Retrieve the latest posts as featured posts on the homepage

Instead of retrieving Post ID from FBU settings, retrieving the latest post of the corresponding Category as the Featured Post for the Homepage. Both English and Chinese sites have their own latest posts. So retrieve correctly on each language. Featured posts on the Homepage Current posts to retrieve from New request: The latest post of … Read more

Alumni: Read both hidden & regular fields for Employer Job Posting

There are 3 data fields that we are migrating from Rich Text Editor to Pure Text Editor. They are: About the Employer Job Description Qualifications To keep the existing collected records, we keep the original Rich Text Editor fields, but make it hidden (no longer visible to users while posting new Career Opportunities). But codes … Read more

Alumni: Add Listing – Resolve the inconsistent frontend / backend UIs

This task was superseded by Alumni: Directory add/modify interface Make both ends consistent Add Listing Frontend UI There are two textarea data fields after Social Accounts on the Frontend UI. One is “Listing Description” which is before “Photos” section. Another is after “Photos” section without name. Add Listing Backend UI There is only one textarea … Read more

Alumni: Directory add/modify interface

Enhance / modify existing “Directory – Add Listing” UI Not to close this task, We will let people without any development background test the posting process. (10/23/2023 @enrollmentservices) Remove Google+ URL Done Change Graduation Month to dropdown Month and limit Year range To prevent Month becomes a negative number, provide a dropdown Month list with … Read more

Alumni: Remove extra space above and below the main page content

Reduced Space above and below main page content. The space has been reduced from original 60px (above) and 50px (below) to 2em. These settings apply to all Pages of the whole site. Production site: Reduced Space above and below main page content. The space has been reduced from original 60px (above) and 50px (below) to … Read more