Alumni: Add Sidebar to Blog Posts
Automatically add “Primary Sidebar” to Post To fix: search shadow across vertical border line Fixed: search shadow across vertical border line
Automatically add “Primary Sidebar” to Post To fix: search shadow across vertical border line Fixed: search shadow across vertical border line
Create a widget to be used as the sidebar content related to CEU, so that all CEU related pages can select it as the sidebar. Set up a widget Make it available on Customize Options page Editors can select from the dropdown list which widget to use a the sidebar of the page Sidebar created … Read more
Being notified by Google on Soft 404 issue Nine out of 10 listed URLs are related to Alumni Directory. The remaing one is related to backend User View.
It was found that the existing backend IntraApps would wipe out new data fields that were added to make Clinic Faculty tablle self-contained to build frontend Health Center pages. The database updating method used by existing codes, being not knowing the newly added data fields, will update only existing data fields, and wipe out (set … Read more
To fix: No mixing in languages Display the corresponding part of the Bio on different language page. Fixed on Health Cener pages
Create a UI for setting Title (= level field in the Table) in the Clinic Faculty table. Added new Title – Adjunct Faculty Title (=level) Editing UI
Add the Sidebar to Single pages of CEU courses. The Sidebar content the latest (from today to the future) 15 courses, with titles and links Add a border line to separate Main Content and Sidebar. Duplicate the kind of border used in Alumni News single post. Add Sidebar to Single page Sidebar Page Layout Refer to the … Read more
Add “level” data field to Clinic Faculty table so that that data will be available to display on the Helath Center pages without referring to the Faculty table. The SQL statements of the Helath Center pages should not involve Faculty table. Practitioners WITHOUT “Professor / Instructor / …” Practitioners WITH “Professor / Instructor / …”
Set the number of posts on the Hompage to 6. Adjust the display order of posts by adjusting its “Published Date”.
The “language” field is needed to indicate which (or both) language pages to display on Health Center pages. Clinic Faculty table is now a complete, self-contained table for Health Center pages. “language” field used in Faculty table. “language” field used in Clinic Faculty table. “language” field Editing UI is ready.