EVA – Remove extra tables from database

There are 4 sets of table prefixes found in the Evaluation website database:1. 22ev_2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_4. st_ The website can run as expected without the following two groups of tables2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_ Total table number dropped from 210 to 60. Those two groups of tables were removed first on the Staging wbesite without issues. They were then also … Read more

Alumni: Resolve the Alumni Network’s Job Posting Page Editing Issue

Cannot update existing Employer Post Job” entry Reference: Employer Post jobs : Entry # 1665 Title: Acupuncturist, Spanish-Speaking Follow the following steps to locate this issue   https://alumni.fivebranches.edu/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_edit_forms   At the Form > Employer Post Jobs > 854 Entries Check the latest we have received.    https://alumni.fivebranches.edu/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=entry&id=14&lid=1665&order=ASC&filter&paged=1&pos=0&field_id&operator Try to have a minor content editing to … Read more

Cancel the server on Plesk env

Currently there are two servers runing on FBU Liquid Web account. Since all active websites are now migrated to the new (active) server, the original (previous) server is no longer needed. Before cancelling the server, some settings may need to be transferred or rest. Need to work with hosting company staff to finalize it. The … Read more