Display Chinese search result messages on Chinese page
Currently the messages are as follows if nothing found: SEARCH RESULTS No faculty members were found. Change your selection criterion? Display in Chinese as follows: 搜尋結果 查無教師資料,改變搜尋的條件?
Currently the messages are as follows if nothing found: SEARCH RESULTS No faculty members were found. Change your selection criterion? Display in Chinese as follows: 搜尋結果 查無教師資料,改變搜尋的條件?
Currently the copyright content block is hardcoded and used by both English and Chinese websites. And that content block include Privacy Police. At this time, the code does not consider which language this Privacy Policy is to be displayed on the English or Chinese website. Change the design so that it will serve the English … Read more
It’s been implemented on English Homepage already. Need to also implement it on the Chinese Homepage.
Removed the old one, and install another one for testing on the dev website
It was found that the dev website homepage rendered improperly after testing new cookie plugin.
Select a plugin and install / test it on the website. Evaluated on “Cookie Notice For GDPR & CCPA” plugin first. Switched to “Complete GDPR / AVG / CCPA Cookie Compliance WordPress plugin”. Tested on the developing website first. Installed and activated on the production website on 2/21/2023.
1. Reduce the font size of the event post title to the same font size as the regular PAGE title when the page is on the cell phone devices. 2. Reduce the height of the banner hero image to the same size as the regular PAGE when the page is on the cell phone devices. … Read more
It was found that there are 4 database table prefixes in Evaluation Services website. Two of them are not needed. So tables with those two prefixes should be removed. The database size will be significantly reduced and website performance and maintenance could be improved. Four sets of table prefixes1. 22ev_2. D3oY8Frl_3. fbu_4. st_ prod site Approx. changes … Read more
Area A: the most upcoming 3 events from DTCM/MTCM Admissions Events 中醫碩士博士聯讀入學活動https://www.fivebranches.edu/events/category/dtcm-mtcm-admissions-events/Community Services 社區醫療服務 https://www.fivebranches.edu/events/category/community-services/ Area B: the most upcoming 3 events from DAOM Admissions Events 針灸及東方醫學博士入學活動 https://www.fivebranches.edu/events/category/daom-admissions-event/ Bridge Admissions Events 學位晉級DTCM/DAc雙語課程入學活動 https://www.fivebranches.edu/events/category/bridge-admissions-event/ To fix: Display issue on mobile screen Reduce the font size of (Chinese) Month to the size of the Event Title of that … Read more
Left align button under “Programs” top menu item Add a customized CSS class to left-align the button. To make the look and feel consistent, the CSS class applied to “Do Demand CEUs” is used here.