Alumni: Alumni News source category





Test URL(s):



Alumni News PAGE has been assigned as the Homepage of ALL POSTs, meaning ALL POSTs under ALL Categories will be displayed on the “Alumni News PAGE” with the page layout defined in the Active Theme.

So it’s not appropriate to set Alumni News PAGE as the Homepage of ALL POSTs.

It’s suggested to assign a specific Category – “General” (News, Announcements or whichever appropriate) as the source of POSTs to be displayed on the Alumni News PAGE and also be used on the Homepage Announcement section.

The “TCM Spotlights” page is set up to display all posts under “TCM Spotlights” category (previously known as General).

Alumni News PAGE is assigned as the Homepage of all POSTs
All POSTs under all Categories will show up on the specified Blog Post Homepage
Posts from TCM News and 未分類 show up on Alumni News Page
TCM Spotlights Category

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