Alumni: Directory add/modify interface





Test URL(s):

Add Listing: Live site – Staging site



Enhance / modify existing “Directory – Add Listing” UI

Not to close this task, We will let people without any development background test the posting process. 
(10/23/2023 @enrollmentservices)

Remove Google+ URL


Change Graduation Month to dropdown Month and limit Year range

To prevent Month becomes a negative number, provide a dropdown Month list with Name and number like “January (1) … December (12)” (done)

To prevent Year becomes a negative number, limit it from 1984 (the Year FBU was established) and 5000. (done)

Set Graduation Year from 1984 to 5000, and Month with Name and number

Change the wording of Map

Change “Map” to “Direction”. (done)

Change "Map" to "Direction"

Resolve the unresponsive dropdown Day in Office Hours

The dropdownn list does not respond on the 2nd (added) Day option. (fixed)

Resolve the extra input field

Display the original label “About My Practice” (done)

Increase Photos upload image size limit

Increase the limit from 2 MB to 5 MB. (done)

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